Title: Almost Matched (Almost Bad Boys #1)
Author: A. O. Peart
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Expected Release Date: November 8th 2013
Reveal Host: Lady Amber's Tours
Would you take another shot at love? Or just settle on a friend with benefits?
Their heart-rending past will move you. Their passion will make you blush. Their antics will make you laugh out loud.
Twenty-five-year-old Natalie Davenport lugs substantial baggage. One boyfriend after the next has been a total disaster, leaving Natalie distrustful toward the male population in general. So when Colin Hampton crosses her path, she’s cautious. Her heart (and some other body parts!) nudges her to go for it, while her head wants her to run for the hills.
Colin is one of those gorgeous guys who attract women, no matter the age or marital status. With a successful career at a popular Seattle radio station, hard body, and charming personality, he is the complete package. But something dark lurks in the corners of his soul; some murky experience that has changed him—maybe for the better, but maybe for the worse.
Will he steal her heart and stomp over it like other guys did?
Will she let him into her heavily fortified world despite herself?
Or will they settle somewhere in the middle—establishing the emotional boundaries to protect them from falling in love?
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18346098-almost-matched
This contemporary romantic comedy blends humor, sensuality, and angst, with zany characters and witty dialogue. You will laugh out loud while blushing in embarrassment.
**Warning: contains sexual situations (some quite vivid!), profanity, and a high dose of sarcasm. Oh, and there is a lot of appletini and beer drinking.
May not be appropriate for readers under 18 years old. Not intended for prudes and killjoys with no sense of humor**
He shrugs a little and takes my hand in his. “I wanted to make this evening special.” Colin’s voice is low. Seductive?
Holy Mother of Sweet Jesus, I’m about to start hyperventilate. Heat stirs in my belly and lazily drenches down all the way to my underwear. These bright-blue eyes half-hooded under his lids tell me exactly what’s on his mind. My own mind eagerly nods her approval. I look at his lips and immediately imagine them on mine, on my neck, along my collarbone. Oh, no, that doesn’t help me keep control.
He’s so close to me, and then he stands up, pulling me to my feet. “Come.”
What’s going on? I obey, keeping my eyes on Colin. He smiles and blows out the candles. We walk to the living room, where upbeat salsa music comes out from the stereo.
“Do you dance salsa?” He stands in front of me, holding my both hands in his.
“Some.” I laugh and follow his lead.
Colin’s movements are fluid and sensual. He has an excellent sense of rhythm. I can’t stop beaming, while my eyes keep darting to his swaying to the beat hips. Wow, he can cook and he can dance.
He presses me to him and spins us around twice. I squeal and beseech my feet not to stumble. I’ve taken salsa lessons a few years ago, but I lack practice.
Colin turns us once again. He leads me to swirl on my own under his arm—once, twice, three times. I laugh and realize that it is not the wine that makes me happy and unconcerned. It is Colin.
The song ends, and he is enticingly close to me. He looks so endearing and sexy with his messy hair and twinkling with mischief eyes. Another song starts, but we are not dancing. Colin’s hand slides up to the back of my head, and then his lips are on mine. At first he kisses me softly, as if testing my reaction. But I’m not pulling away. I lean to him and return the kiss. His lips part, and I feel his tongue slide along my lower lip. It gently teases for a moment, and then my mouth is under his command, inviting and obeying. And I melt into him.
My body, lead by Queen V-Jay-Jay, decides to betray my anti-men tenacity. Treason in full display. I’m officially declared swooned over Colin. Crap, there goes my hope for staying unaffected. Ali’s fuck buddy advice goes out of the window in a jiffy. I knew it was going to be just like this.
“What am I going to do with you,” he sighs, resting his forehead against mine.
“What would you like to do?” I challenge. I know exactly what I’m willing him to do, and so does he.
He smiles against my lips.
I smile back, leaning away to look into those clear, blue eyes.
Colin takes my hand in his and pulls me toward the staircase. “Let me show you the upstairs then.”
“Is that your pick up line?” I feign suspicion.
“I think we are past the pick up line stage.” He snorts, and then grins at me.
I can’t help it but laugh. He makes me feel carefree. I want to believe it’s a good thing.
We climb the stairs to his bedroom. The whole place is meticulous. I’ve never seen a guy’s house that would look as neat as Colin’s. Hell on wheels. The score list is growing rapidly: he can cook, dance, kiss, and keeps his place tidy. And I have a feeling he’s amazing in bed. Well, time to find out.
Author Bio:
A.O. Peart writes in multiple YA and NA genres, including paranormal, fantasy, urban fantasy, contemporary, sci-fi, and short stories. Almost Matched, book one in the Almost Bad Boys series is her first New Adult contemporary novella. The action takes place in Seattle--the city which she came to call her home. She describes herself as European born, American by choice.
Author Links:
Website/blog: www.angelapeart.com
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