AVERY PIKE is a commodity. No, more than a commodity. Her existence is guarded at all costs.
She’s a water Elementalist, the strongest of her dwindling kind. She creates steam to provide energy to fuel Dome Three: the only thing standing between humanity and an earth ravaged by World War III. No steam, no Dome. No Dome, no life.
Or so she thinks.
That is, until a mysterious man offers her a way out of having to donate steam. A way to escape the corrupt government of Dome Three. While the offer seems too good to be true, Avery is intrigued.
But when she arrives to her new home, she realizes the grass isn’t any less dead on this side of the fence. Instead, the lies are just hidden better.
…Which means digging deeper.
When Avery enlists the help of her friends to uncover the truth, it may make her wonder if she was better off being a government tool than searching for freedom.
Some secrets are better left concealed, but humankind was never meant to live in a cage. And when you can control the most sought after resource, you can learn to control anything…including the fate of your world.
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Title: Steel Lily
Author: Megan Curd
Genre: Dystopian
Series: The Periodic Series
Rating: 5/5 Stars
Review: I received this eARC free from the author in exchange for an honest review.
I have been craving a good dystopian for awhile now and Megan Curd delivered! Steel Lily was much more than just a dystopian, it was a dystopian with a steam punk twist and I LOVED IT!! Both genres were blended together fabulously. Once I had picked this book up I was unable to put it down until I had read the last page. The secrets!!! There were so many secrets and they were big ones. There was a big twist too. And you don't want to believe it, and then you think back that the author did try to tell you but you were in denial then BAM!!! It hits you that it's true. I can't wait to continue on this journey and uncover more secrets!
Avery was an awesome female lead, she had overcome so much in her young life and it made her into the strong woman that we got to read about. I loved how sarcastic and witty that she could be, especially towards Jaxon. This earned her huge points in my book because she made him work for it and prove that he actually wanted to be with her. Jaxon is my new BOOK BOYFRIEND!! Megan Curd had me at dreads...
Megan Curd is an author to watch out for! I loved Steel Lily and I will definitely continue on with the series and any other book that Megan writes for that matter. I recommend this book to both dystopian and steam punk lovers. Also to anyone looking for an awesome read.
I was moving double time to keep up with his long strides. He seemed so sure of himself, so in control of his destiny, even in this place, where he claimed we were imprisoned. I didn’t have a shred of doubt that what Jaxon wanted, Jaxon got. He owned his life. I so desperately wanted to own mine as well. Could he help me take control of it, or would he cause it to crash around my feet? For some reason, it felt like either option would be exhilarating if he were involved.
Exhilarating and dangerous.
The back of his shirt was soaked. The small “v” of muscles at the base of his spine flexed as he craned his neck to make sure I was still behind him. Why did that give me butterflies?
He turned and smiled. “Are you even listening to me? You’re way past your ogling allotment.”
“I’m not ogling you.”
“Trust me, I’ve experienced enough ogling to know it when I see it. If you’d prefer to ogle in peace, I’ll turn around again. There have been contests where my ass took first place in squeezability.”
“You must have been the only person in the running.”
He grinned mischievously. “And the only one to vote, but a win is still a win, right?”
BIO: Megan Curd is a graduate of Northwestern College in St. Paul, Minnesota. While having always enjoyed reading any books she could get her hands on, Megan didn’t begin writing until a friend encouraged her to do so while in college.
When not writing, Megan enjoys spending time with her family and friends. She loves to snowboard and travel to new places, and doesn’t turn down the opportunity to play xBox with her brother and friends when it presents itself.
Megan currently resides in Stanton, Kentucky with her husband, son, and Great Dane named Dozer.
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