Hope’s Decree
Book one in the Fated Series
By Angela McPherson
Genres: Young Adult Paranormal Romance
Published: August 15 2013
Untold Press www.untoldpress.com
Word count: 94 000
Pages: 284
ASIN: To be published Aug 15th on Amazon
eBook: 3.99
Print: 12.99
eBook Buy Links ~coming Aug 15th~
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Goodreads- book link: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17875378-hope-s-decree
When everything else is lost, there is always hope.
While most teens want an epic senior year, Trinity Whitebone hoped for a normal one. Being seventeen was hard enough. Having the emotions of everyone around you in your head made life more than a little difficult.
Until Blain Heros enrolled.
He screamed hot-god in jeans with just his walk. His intense stare warmed her skin like a thousand suns. Unfortunately, his interest in her seemed to run from blazing to freezing in the span of moments and left her nothing but confused. She could deal with things not being normal, but when life goes from strange to dangerous…
Trinity is the direct descendant of Pandora and fated to rectify the terrors released into the world by her curious ancestor. With powers she didn’t know existed and abilities she never wanted, Trinity tries to walk away from everything her life had become. She thought she could turn her back on her fate, until a band of rogue immortals discover who she is and will do whatever it takes to control her powers. Trinity is left with one decision…Embrace fate or die trying.
Rating: 4/5 Stars
Review: I received this book free from the author in exchange for an honest review.
I love this cover and how it ties into the Mythology aspects. I enjoyed how Hope's Decree was about the Pandora's Box myth because it is one that I haven't read about before. I did find the story to be a little jumpy at times which sometimes lead me to be a bit confused for a few paragraphs. Otherwise this was a great read and I'm excited for book two.
Obviously Trinity is a "goddess" who has not one, not two, but possibly three guys drooling over her. Geez. And not only that but they are all hotties! Even with the three of them vying for her attention she on,y has eyes for one, whether she wants to admit it or not. I loved Trin's sarcastic ways, it had me laughing a lot thoughtful the book. I liked the boys but they made me mad when she wasn't informed sooner about everything going on and what she was. I want a novella from Melina's POV because I want to know what to know what her deal is. Also I can't wait to see if Trinity's estranged grandparents play any role in her destiny.
This was a great read from Angela McPherson. I will be reading more from her in the future. I would recommend this book to mythology lovers and anyone looking for a funny and romantic read with a hint of action. Well actually quite a lot of action.
Over an hour into my work out on the elliptical, sweat covered my brow and a few curls had broken free from my elastic band, making them stick to the sides of my face and forehead. When I grabbed a towel to wipe the sweat away, my legs felt wobbly and weak. I bought a bottle of water from a vending machine and headed out.
In the parking lot, I saw the sky had darkened considerably, elongating the shadows. As I walked back to my car I realized the birds in the nearby trees slowly became silent.
Stopping, I scanned the street. Not a single person was out. Even the cool breeze when I left the gym had stilled, almost as though everything had frozen in time.
Without warning, my stomach rolled. Almost instantly I felt nauseous as the familiar dread of darkness surfaced inside of me. The force became so overwhelming I doubled over, gasping for air.
As I focused on breathing, deep guttural laughter echoed in the stillness nearby. My head snapped up, my eyes searching for the man in my dreams. My brain worked in overtime, wondering how my dreams had finally crossed the barrier into reality.
The laughter came again, only closer this time. He wanted me, wanted me to surrender the light of life to dwell in the darkness of death. My panic increased as my heart thundered in my chest. I couldn't think clearly.
A few feet away, a man appeared, though he looked more or less the same age as me. Tall, well built with chestnut hair stopping at the hard angle of his jaw, and his eyes as black as a raven's feather. He didn't look like the same person from my nightmares. Not that it mattered–his presence still terrified me.
His lips twisted into a sinister grin, a mixture of evil and pain so clear I could taste it on my tongue. I tried to ease my panic and think clearly, but just like in my nightmares, I was losing.
"Who are you and what do you want?" Much to my surprise, my voice stayed even.
"You don't know, do you?" He tilted his head to the side, watching me with amusement in his dark eyes. He slowly held a finger in the air and then began making circular movements. The motion created his own personal whirlwind, lifting the hair around his face.
He continued to walk toward me, controlling the wind with his finger. My panic increased; my insides felt like they were being stretched thin, ready to snap in half at any given second.
"What do you want?" This time my voice quivered at the end.
"You have got to be kidding me, right?" He shook his head. "This is easier than I thought it'd be." He must have read the perplexed look on my face because he started laughing–hard. I would've been offended had I not been so freaking scared.
His thoughts and emotions become stronger with each step he took, overpowering my ability to shut off the inner darkness wanting to be set free. I wasn’t sure which way was up or down, left or right, and it didn't matter.
Teaser 1:
He leaned in close to my ear, and his hand grazed my thigh. "I forgot to mention this morning," he paused, letting enough time go by that my body caved and pulled toward him like gravity, "I plan on making sure you miss your dinner date with jock boy tonight."
Author Bio:
Angela McPherson
Born and currently residing in Midland, Texas, Angela shuffles three busy children (not including her husband) all over the place. She works in a busy pediatric doctor's office as a nurse during the day, and writes at night. She is addicted to coffee——who isn’t? And firmly believes chocolate can fix all——especially chocolate ice cream. She laughs a lot, often at herself and is willing to try anything once (she thinks). When Angela isn’t rushing kids around, working or writing, she’s reading. Other than life experience, Angela turns to a wide variety of music to help spark her creative juices. She loves to dance and sing, though her kids often beg her not to.
Website: http://angelamcphersonblog.wordpress.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YAAuthorAngelaMcPherson
Twitter: @abt3mcpherson
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7074174.Angela_McPherson
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